Advanced Theater 1 Auditions
If you are interested in auditioning for Advanced Theater 1 see the requirements below and make sure to sign up!
Prepare 2 monologues that are contrasting (one dramatic, one comedic) at 1 min each. Dress nice for your audition!
February 10 from 4:30 - 5:30
Ms. Kraft's Room
To note: This class will be during Green 5. It will not conflict with choir BUT if you are in any other elective that meets during that time, you will have to make a choice which class you will want to do. Please check with your counselor when talking about classes for next year!
Prepare 2 monologues that are contrasting (one dramatic, one comedic) at 1 min each. Dress nice for your audition!
February 10 from 4:30 - 5:30
Ms. Kraft's Room
To note: This class will be during Green 5. It will not conflict with choir BUT if you are in any other elective that meets during that time, you will have to make a choice which class you will want to do. Please check with your counselor when talking about classes for next year!